Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mr (Pyramid) Text Study Utterances 1-18

Mr (Pyramid) text study, utterances 1-18
In these series of studies, I will interpret the
texts of the Ancient Hpy(Nile) Valley Wisdom
writings in the perspective of Science, Physics,
Applied and Supreme Mathematics.

This is from Faulkner's translation "Ancient
Egyptian Pyramid Texts"

"Recitation by Nut, the
greatly beneficent: The King is my eldest son who
split open my womb; he is my beloved, with whom I am
well pleased"

Nt (Nut) was the designation for Queen
of the Night Sky. She was cast as the
"daughter" of Sh (Shu)(the designation for Lord of
the Air/Atmosphere and
Daylight) and Tfnt (Tefnut) (Queen of Moisture and
Tides and
Moonlight). Nt's first son was Wsr (Ausar). Here, as in
many funerary rights as well as THE RITES OF PASSAGE
or SYMBOLIC death and REBIRTH into a new mental
state or knowledge, the King is identified or
being initiated as Ausar, Lord of the Perfect Black,
or the Balanced Man, having influence on Cosmic,
Personal, and Microscopic issues. You will see the
connection in future utterances. Nt REPRESENTS
the ABILITY of the Original Woman as the vessel
for the Stars or the Babies, be their Stellar or
Planetary (boys or girls), i.e. representing motherhood on a macroscopic
level, since the multitude of far celestial objects are in
Nt's body, the same way Children are developed as
embyro's in the females body.
Nt is not an Originator, for Nt's has a
great-grandFATHER who is designated as being
Nn (Nun), which is the primordial
medium, or the so called "dirac sea" of zero state
quantum mechanical oscillators/fluctuations in the
vacuum of space, which are the building
blocks for manifestions of matter
and radiation. This primordial medium represents
the original mental and physical composition of
Man and his Physical Universal, in terms of
Electromagnetic Fields and Mitigating particles.
So Ausar represents taking the potential
knowledge and energy of man ("dirac" sea)
and making it manifest as real Mental Power and
Kinetic Energy via Light and Radiation, or the
emergence of the PHOTON.


From Faulkner's "Ancient Egyptian
Pyramid Texts Utterance 2

"Recitation of
Geb: The King is my bodily

My comments: Gb is the designation for the
Lord of the Earth. Gb
is the antecedent of Wsr. The Body of Man as he lives
on the planet is made of the constituents of the
planet (carbon, water, oxygen, etc.) Gb is also the
offspring of Sh (Lord of the Air/Atmosphere and Daylight)
and Tfnt (Queen of Moisture and Tides and Moonlight).
"Traditional" anthropologist have tried to suggest that
Gb was the "planet earth" itself. In reality, Gb was
the PATRON of SOLIDS, being
that SOLID is the PRIMARY state of Matter.
His sister/wife,
Nt, was the MATRON of Gases or the Atmosphere.
Gases are a medium of microscopic solids (atoms). The first
state of MATTER is SOLID. That is what is meant
by "Lord of the Earth". The Rock of the Earth is the
Foundation for making astronomical observations into the body of Nt, the Night Sky. So Gb describes the
Scientist that constructs the material constitution of
the body of Wsr, Lord of the Perfect Black, or the
Balanced Man. Gb's grandfather is Wtm, who is also
known as Rh (Ra). Wtm is related to the word Atom,
which means unbreakable or indivisible. Rh
is related to
Light and Radiation. In fact classical atoms can be
"cracked", but their products are other particles, in
particular photons, which are indivisible. This is
outlining the heritage of the solid state of matter
being transfered to Gb from Wtm-Rh.
Those Educators and Guildsman who use the
patron Gb to
SYMBOLIZE their profession are material scientists
whether it be stone (masons) metal (metallurgists)
wood (carpenters) or other substrates




From Faulkner's "Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts"

Utterance 3

"Recitation by Nut the great who dwells in the Lower Mansion:
The King is my beloved son, my first-born upon the throne of Geb,
with whom he is well pleased, and he has given to him his heritage
in the presence of the Great Ennead. All the [ntr] are in
joy, and they say: How goodly is the King! His father Geb is pleased
with him.

My comments:

The "Lower Mansion" here is the city of Ywnw (Heliopolis in Greek
or On in Coptic). Again the king is indentified as being Wsr.
The great Ennead is the Parental Personages of the ntr system,
those being Nn, Wmn-Rh-Pth, Sh, Tfnt, Gb, Nt, Wsr, Wst, St and Nbt-Ht.
In fact you will see cycles of Grand Parentage, Parentage, and
Childhood in the pantheon of the personalization of the
forces (ntr), for example the Ogdoad, the Psdjt (Ennead), and Hr.
It is interesting to note that although Wsr was
considered a scientist associated with "the dead", in fact he
was connect to the Rh which a host of other Solar Forces, which
indicates not just a condition of "death" but death and rebirth,
through the process of cycles, and immortalization through the
process of parenting, the same way their is a cycle of
day and night as observed from the surface of the planet.



From Faulkner's "Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts"

Utterance 4

"Recitation by Nut: O King, I have given to you your sister Isis,
that she may lay hold of you and give to you your heart for your

My comments:

Wst (Auset or Isis), is the sister office or Wsr, and also his Queen
or Wife. Heart here represents companionship. Body represents
reproduction. Wst is related to the Moon, as the office Wsr in his various
forms through it's grandpatrons(s) is related to the Sun. Gb
and Nt provide a field of operation for Wsr and Wst. The cycles
of the celestial objects with Wsr and Wst promote community and organization
(heart) and agricultural and architechual technology (body).
The King upon passing is bestowed with the Office of Wsr to show that
his contributions in Life with continue on in his legacy (ressurection).
The importance here is that his pairing with the Wst office indicates that
the King is now being Identified as Wsr.


From Faulkner's "Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts"

Utterance 5

"Recitation by Nut: O King, I have given to you your sister Nephthys,
that she may lay hold of you and give to you your heart for your

My comments:

Nbt Ht (Nebt Het or nephthys), is the sister office of Wsr, and the Queen
office of Wsr's brother office, St (Set).
Nbt Ht is often described as the matron of death.
However her name means "Mistress of the House" In this
respect, she represents hospitality and comfort for
the weary and restful (dead).
Wsr and Wst are the Patrons and Matrons of the enlightenment.
Nbt Ht and her brother and king, St, are the Patrons and Matrons
of the mentally sleep. This is to show that the enlightened
are still related to their mentally sleep/dead relatives, and are
still an extended family that the enlightened must reach
out to. Peace.


From Faulkner's "Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts"

Utterance 6

"Recitation by Nut the Great Fruitful One: The King my son is my
beloved; I have given to him the two horizons that he may have power
in them as Harakhti. All the [ntr] say: It is the truth that the
King is your best-beloved among your children; watch over him

My comments:

The two horizons here are the east and west, which represent
the past and the future, also birth and rest (death). HrKhty
(Harakhti Heru Khuti ). HrKhty represents the merging of Wsr,
or the King's great grandfather Rh, and Wsr's son, Hr. The Great
Grand Father is the Past, The Son is the Future. The cycle of dawn
to dusk is continuous, and shows the eternity of life in
cycles, exemplified by the stages of the different personalities
duties and responsibilities of the Solar Offices. Peace.


From Faulkner's "Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts"

Utterance 7

"Recitation by Nut the great who dwells in the Mansion of Snit: The
King is my son of my desire; I have given him the [dwt], that he may
preside over it as Horus who presides over the [dwt]. All the [ntr]
say: Your father Sh knows that you love the King more than your
mother Tfnt

My comments:

The dwt or "netherworld" has been interpreted to mean "hereafter"
and was related to the Night Sky, and the field of view of
celestial objects, the majority of which are the Stars, which
are in fact Suns at instellar distances. The Star or Sun serves
as a memorial for the king that is passed down to his dynasty
or offspring. Nt being the matron office of the
night sky or atmosphere, allows the Light from /Hr/Wsr's colleages,
the Sun Patrons, to pass through her realm faster and clearer than
Tfnt (waterways, lakes, seas, oceans, etc.)
allows the same Light to pass through her realm which is moisture.
This is evident in the greater index of refraction in water as
opposed to air. Hr is Wsr's Son, and in fact is a Sun Lord also,
being that Wtm-Rh, Sh, Wsr and Hr are various stages of Sun Patron Offices.



From Faulkner's "Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts"

The translations for Utterances 8, 9, and 10 were ommitted, because they only contain
"royal protocols"

Utterance 11

"Recitation by Nut: I enfold your beauty within this soul of mine for all life,
permanence, dominion and health for the King - may he live for ever!

My comments:

The translator says the "soul" refered to in the passage is the coffin of the
deceased king. His "beauty" is not the remaining mummy, but the Memory of the
king, as he was when he was alive. The King lives "for ever" or longer, because
of the mental impact he has left behind, of his achievements and accomplishments
in physical life. Nut, being the Night Sky Office, preserves the Kings and
all the Kings (Wsr) memory in the so called Orion Constellation, which
in the Hpy River Valley was called Wsr directly. Peace.


From Faulkner's "Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts"

The translations for Utterance 12 were ommitted, because they are lost
Utterance 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18

"I give you your head, I fasten your head to the bones for you."

"I give him his eyes, that he may be content - a htp offering"

"Geb has given you your eyes, that you may be content"

"the Eye of Horus- water a nmst-jar"

"O Thoth, put for him his head on him - water, a ds-jar"

"He has brought it for him - water, a drinking cup"

My comments:

The receiver of the organs in these passage, is not necessarily getting
new organs. What Nt is trying to convey is that she and her counterpart
Gb give WSR (the deceased or MENTALLY dead) stimulus, by which the purpose of
the head and eyes come into being, being they provide the canvas of the night
sky, as well as the landscape to use as an observational anchor.
All of these stimuli are in fact synthesized
and processed through the "third" Eye or the man's intelligence
(Eye of Hr (Horus or Heru) ) The word nmst is the female form of the word nms
which means veil or covering. With the suffix, this becomes a water covering or jar.
The word ds or ts means pot or jar also. The root of the word nmst, nms, is
related to head covering, and in fact nms is related again to the Name Wmn (Amen)
which represents mentality, and the head being the center of activity of the
mentality. Ds is related to knife, charcoal, chalk, or other implement of making
marks, and thus this is how the relation with Djhty (Djehuti or Thoth) comes into
play since those in the offices of Djhty are in charge of writing and communication.
Thus this series of utterances
illustrates the development of awareness (head and eyes and nmst jar) and the
communication of this knowledge through writing (ds jar).
Vessels in this case not only deal with the funerary furniture, but their interiors
also represent the shell which represents one field of view, as well as ones canvas
of record. Basically the point of this series of instructions is to
instruct the rites of passage candidate in the art of literacy, which was a
valued and rare commidity in the Hpy River Valley.

Divine Ruler Equality Allah

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